once a month thingy...
right... before the month runs out... i shall... well... do this...
lemme see... school is out... for some time now... my last project went ok... nothing much there... i have never stayed back in school for so much... even then, it wasn't finished on time... then again... no one finished on time and we got our gambled extensions but not after i got an earful for failing to get everything done on time... whatever it is... we got our act together and well... it ended nicely... tiring it was yes but to get another step out of the way is a good feeling... although the cynical me is telling myself that all this would just mean that the reality beyond the confines of learning environment is all so ever so much closer... as it is... sometimes i do think, "and then what?"... oh well... when the time comes... i will get it done some... que sera sera... as much as i don't really like to use that line... now we wait until august to see who has made the decision to come back for another year to get another certificate which implies 'that you are an able, learned and thinking (hopefully) member of society who is deserving of a certain status quo all in no small part due to the fact that you have invested a good portion of the youth of your life in a learning institution and hence delaying your entry into the real world'... and that you would inevitably have to start paying back the person whose CPF you used to pay for your studies... how grim... oh... if you wondering...

beyond that... errr... no resubmissions... suspicious... zilch and honeyworld... they are going to steal my designs but i don't really care... so much for getting back to me... i hope they will but another side of me just want to enjoy my holidays... maybe once i start getting bored i will actually start to do something... got sick for a good week... it was an epidemic of sorts i tell you... so many others fell sick too... such a weird bout of flu, cold, or whatever it was... still wondering why the doctor did not prescribe any antibiotics... i suspect he suspects that i will abuse it... perhaps i do impart that perception... little do they know of my alter ego... then again... the lesser the better... other than that... if all goes well... i would have clocked my most hours this month but still sub-hundred... one fine month i will go beyond a hundred just because i can... hahaha... somewhere before all that... shibly got married as indicated in my previous post... nice affair with me relegated to the 'singles' table... hahaha... i just joke about it... nothing else harbored... really wish the both of them all the best... saw their wedding pics... nicely done with all the diffused glow... and the really nice border... no samples here...
been involved with soccer... overcast is good, sunny is not... not my former self... not as fast and really lost touch with playing on field... i kept letting the ball roll past and unable to catch up henceforth as due to small frame, the opponent would have already out-muscled me to the ball... i am really starting to wonder where my aggression which has brought me some defensive titles has gone to... oh... do i hear you say i have mellowed... hah!
in between all that... spent plenty of some time with chica as can be seen in her multiply... i don't carry around a camera anymore... she does... and hence why all the pictures are with her... don't worry... more pictures are bound to surface considering that plenty of stuff have been thought up of and that the 'magic' box still has got plenty of ideas in it... by the way... if you have been wondering... this 'magic' box that you would have probably known of from chica's blog is a completely imaginary being with no real physical representation... there is no real thought being put on paper or anything which subsequently gets put into a box... it's all imaginary... we do it for fun... we don't really remember everything that we think up of... we do things as they come along... although the one thing that alot more people are asking about is still some way to go... a whole lot more... even a crazy guy is asking... nyerrr...
movies, movies, movies... now that i have the time... not much actually... spiderman 3 and pirates of the carribean 3... both were confusing... spiderman 3 had a redundant villain in the shape of the creatively named, sandman and a seriously underdeveloped venom... i mean... given any day, i'd rather watch venom than the drab sandman... and for goodness sake peter, can you not see that mj is such a fickle character who keeps finding new guys just to make you notice her... urgh... and she is so jealous of the fact that you have a better public life than her and that you look so much better in tight spandex... wahaha... pirates 3 had a script which makes it very hard to understand just what is going on... and just where in the hell in singapore do you find such a place as how they depicted? i don't remember singapore having guilins like what was shown in the movie... and please... not everyone in singapore is chinese yes... even if they were pirates... i am sure there are malay pirates... i mean i have seen malays sells pirated vcds too yes... back to the script... i so did not get what they were trying to say that when i got back home i went online to wikipedia just to figure out what the hell happened... and daft i am not... i mean... i understood the intricacies of the matrix trilogy... must be the way how calypso talked... damn irritating... what she trying to pull off? an akasha from queen of the damned? no on can quite pull off what aaliyah did yes... that was something else... rip... so at one point of time in the movie, i decided to screw what the hell the movie was about and just enjoy the action sequences... loved the monkey... and wow... the casting of keith richards as jack sparrow's father is just uncanny... although i'll be damned if johnny depp starts looking as scraggly as keith richards... i know of at least one person who would just be so aghast... someone who has already watched the movie twice yes... hahaha...
ok ok... i think i have written quite a lot to cover the month... i need to get back to my nfs carbon yes... quite backdated yes due to school and the fact that i stay off games during school terms... righty then... till whenever... cheers!
oh yeah... i so need to get the new travis album...
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