it's been a long time... long time...
yes... i know... a month... plus??? but really... i'd give the same excuses... plus... you can always monitor my movements from a link on your right... it's quite brainless... plus it's a much nicer blog... you voyeurs you... heh...
anyways... to summarise...
school starts... woohoo? busy busy busy... had workshop with some guy from UK (forgot his name sorry... mathias... something...)... really nice... very insightful... much was learned... do a google on mathias and check out his works... very nice indeed...

and my first product for the semester?

stairs not meant to be stepped on... a joke really...
what else happened in january? i can't really remember... somwhere along the line was hari raya haji/korban... but that was uneventful... routine in fact... then there was a star wars exhibition i think... quite expensive... but heck... anything to see a jedi robe yes... generally life was very fine indeed... no qualms...
someone turned a year older and wasn't too happy about it... but seriously... aren't we are only as old as we feel? right? yes yes? no? you pessimist you...
was involved in C-DAY (open house) for school... turned out ok... actually had a lot of people coming in to my studio...

what is there to see? really? but nonetheless...

for people who say that they have never seen my recent works... here is... well... one of them... BB Bunny is somewhere on this blog... this is my lighting project as it was during the open house... abit dusty but hey... it still works... and didn't melt or burn when turned on... phew.... but wouldn't it just be cool to have the school burned down during the open house? right? then they would die-die have to finish the new school faster... end-2006... HAH! like real!
then it got real busy with essays and more essays... presentations and more presentations... all to be done in ONE week... ish... but no worries... got a slight mental block at 3am while during an essay marathon but that got resolved thanks to 2 hours of sleep... heh...
so end of term... term break... YEAH RIGHT!!! more like project week... some faculty project for the launching of the Fashion Institute Of Singapore (FIOS)... my initial reaction... 'what the hell... i am in product design!'... but nonetheless... i kept an open mind and hey... i had a very nice time indeed... working with people from fashion design and communication design... and our installation was very nice indeed... very different but effective... most effective i think if i should be so bold as to say... excellent group dynamics in no small part due to the people in it... brilliant people... brilliant...

think people... think...

the concept behind the brilliance... can you figure it out?

family portrait of sorts...

yes samuel... do work!

work it people!

no no... no biting...

our work... come on in!

sexy yah... no idea how but ask sofrie...

group I... just brilliant... crazy too... need i say more? hahaha...
life it is... well... now... back to school as it is... 20 weeks to go to a diploma... no shit please... PLEASE!!! vsc application got through... yayyy!!! ellyza... here i come... heh heh... everything else? well... hmmm.... HMMM...
ok ok... i think i have spent too much time updating... my... blog... (so weird to say that...) so yah... in due time... maybe i will update again... maybe people... maybe... till then... cheers!
kidding right...
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