oh oh... here we go... (wowowowowowowowowo!!!)
week one down... what have i done? nothing... well.. not exactly nothing... but nothing that is quite remotely related to school that is...
my class... my class... is.. ok i guess... a bit on the quiet side... which i guess is normal for any 'new' class...
i offically have classes for only 2 days a week... but i am not really betting on the 'free' days staying free... as it is... tomorrow is tuesday and it is supposed to be a 'free' day but as it is, i have a workshop induction... not really complaining though... at least we are finally getting down to work proper... i mean... if compared to other courses, i think mine is quite slack... i know the people over at communication design are under the prussure of alot of assignments already... the people over at animation already have a trailer to submit... and i'll to tell you this... doing animation can be such a pain... the people over at interior design were having outdoor drawings right on the first day of school...
as for me... well... my class have been doing alot of discussion... that's about it... thing is i am perfectly fine with it... but i always have this fear that people will hate me for talking too much because other than me, only one other student talks... well... now there is another one... but it will take some time for me to take him too seriously... but i am trying to take everyone seriously... at least within the confines of the class i am... thing is... sometimes... i want to really discuss/argue about something but i put myself on hold as i know that quite a few are hoping that the class would end really soon... it's quite sad but i guess i would have to accomodate them... for now... all the other nonsense can come at a later time...
my lecturers are... well... fine i guess... i have a funny feeling that they will be expecting much from me... well... bring it on i'd say...
and as for those who are wondering of i am getting alog fine with the malays in my class... well... truth is... not yet... hopefully things will get better but before that i would have to settle some personal demons... i have yet to find my malay tongue though and i actually have to make a conscious effort to speak malay... damn lah...
i am hopeful that i can find people as good as evil people but i don't think that i am being fair if i impose expectations so i am trying to keep an open mind... but i guess it is easier said than done and i still look for them whenever i can although it is getting increasingly difficult with our massively different timetables... hopefully i wouldn't have to depend too much on their company as it would only serve to make me distance myself from the rest of my new class...
so yes... i shall remain hopeful... as of the time being...
right... here is another entry where i started it, did something and then came back to finish it... i started writing this on monday night... then @ 1130pm, my friend called me and told me to go down... he called me earlier to tell that his motorbike is out of the paintshop... why am i so interested in his motorbike? well... it's because i designed it... yes... me... i can design just about anything that needs to be designed... explains why my namecard (link @ sidebar) puts there design and photos... i couldn't decide what type of designing i did... so i just put design... heh...
so yes... now i am back after taking photos of his motorbike... it's sweet i tell you... orange, grey, purple and white... though it still remains that as much as possible, i stay off motorbikes... but the thing with this friend of mine is... he's a bit of a wild rider but he knows what he's doing... so i never quite did feel that i was in much danger... but that was then... now... even though he knows what he's doing... i still have my reservations for motorbikes... but it's nice lah... the motorbike... here's a pic... excuse the street lights....
by the way... here is a logo i did for kris's uncle who is setting up a company and needs a logo... please tell me you can see the letters G, P and S... ah heck... i know the G is hard to see... but it is actually the face of the lion... but it's cool right? well... i think it is... this job pays quite nicely though... although by any designing standards, i am still charging very, very low prices... but don't expect it to last very long though... heh...

back to the topic of school... i forsee this to be a very busy week... i've got workshop inductions on 2 of my 3 free days... i actually had to cancel a road trip of sorts with my cousin due to this... bummer... was looking forward to it... i have a bunch of banners, posters and flyers to design... i have to get them printed by friday of which earlier on in the day i have to meet up with my cousin to discuss a project he is doing... then on saturday i have to help my cousin out with another project of his @ bukit merah view... urgh... why am i being so nice i don't know... but hell... he's family... shucks...
so yah... wish me energy and ideas and i shall i will post again when i can... by the way... this is me... at a friends' chalet doing what i do best... any guesses as to what i was doing?

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