Wednesday, March 23, 2005

in the works...

here is something not many get to see... a work in progress...

Portrait of Fernande

Reproduction/citation as most faithfully possible and possibly able of "Portrait of Fernande", Pablo Picasso, 1909.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


mischief, anger, tension, destruction...
doubt, elation, peace, contentment...

here is the work i said (without promises) that i will put on display... personally, i am happy with this piece of work... why? well... i guess i just deemed it finished i guess... and i guess while doing it, it just reinforced the fact that my forte is indeed portraits and the human figure... go figure how each picture conincides with the terms given... it is in order by the way... i can go on and on describing each piece but i wouldn't it be just that much more interesting if you figure that out for yourself?

well... as for what's been going on... well... had a nice time @ fabian's birthday thingy @ bar opiume (i forgot how it is spelt) although a few people would like to have it forgotten for all the "funky" reasons... no pics as my sis won 5 rounds of "scissors, paper, stone" and won the rights to the camera for the night... now embarking on the final push for foundation year... bombarded with projects so expect me to go MIA for a while... made the final decision that i will choose for product design as my first choice... well... due to the fact that i stumbled upon a certain realisation about my evolution (or so as it seems) as an artist (i still find it awkward to say so)... what evolution? well... it's too confusing to write plus it is still in it's thinking form... yet to be properly formulated... that and the fact that i guess the guy giving the specialisation talk just got me, my attention and a whole load of questions has made me come to my 90% final decision... although the crowd doesn't look too upbeat, i guess i can live with that and somehow at the end of the day make the best out of it... like i always do... i really hope i'll get it... because for now, i really do not see myself anywhere else... then again... i have never been one really meant for the crowd... i can thrive in it but up to a certain point, i will just crawl back into my shell and do my own thing... right... ok then... i guess my life has been quite forgettable other than that... although some would like to differ when they get to know what i do everyday... so... till whenever... cheers!