busy, busy, busy?
so yes... i was away on reservist for the past 18 days... as some of you might have found out... didn't want to say anything about it prior to leaving for it but couldn't resist the temptation to tempt... and... let's just say that i was not wrong... tsk tsk tsk...
summary, summary, summary... year started... very well indeed... had a lovely breakfast with chica on new year's day... all was calm, all was right... finished up certain 'obligations' prior to certain impending situations... school started... minus one personnel... wish him well... went for one class on monday... tuesday class got cancelled as lecturer himself was on reservist... then it was off for reservist on thursday...
ok... so here is how reservist went... came, figured it would be interesting to see how may would actually turn up as this cycle was during 'schooling' period... as it was to be... not many could make it... total strength was much less than that during ICT1... my troop shrank about by a third... as a result, this ICT was much quieter overall... nonetheless, it turned out to be quite good indeed... it had to be, we were living with the spectre of the unit being disbanded after this ICT... i think most were trying to make best of whatever time left... routines were more or less the same... though definitely less hectic than the previous ICT... this time round is more a refresher course than actually learning anything new... so we were going through plenty of things really fast... thing is not many actually remembered much from slightly more than a year ago... but what the hell... it got around to us eventually... other than that, i got a hundred less out of the system this time round due to 11 seconds... bummer... it's the new route i tell you... had multiple IA stoppages but that didn't stop me from getting a better score than the last... hahaha... such a relief... such a relief... so then came Scorpius at our KINS... which turned out quite well... except for some sporadic showers time and again, the weather was cloudy almost all the time we were there... which was perfectly fine with me... rather than it be blazing hot... so yes... it was a cool, calm and collected exercise all the way through... and yes... even with a much smaller strength, the unit did very well indeed so much so that some underhand tactics had to be utilised so that the exercise can end proper and early too... and mind you, the KINS encompassed a very large area of land as well... which goes to show how well the unit works together... and as such, due to this camraderie of sorts, it is highly probable that unit will not be disbanded and instead be renamed as a new unit to take over a senior unit... which i think is the best course of action for the unit... dowside to this is that we (might?) have to go through another Scorpius at the new KINS we will be going through... somehow... i don't think, despite of the apparent noise and complaints, that many will actually mind going through another Scorpius at a new KINS... as long as we stay together...
so yes... tomorrow life will resume for the better portion of the unit... and that will include me... which will mean that i have to get back to school and get to work on my project proper... a project that i can safely say that i have abandoned completely for the duration of my recall peroid... tsk, tsk, tsk... all of which, will mean that i should stop doign this and get down to doing work... right about now... so yes... at a later time... hopefully...
and by the way... this is the current state of my unit now...
as compared to this during ICT1...

it was good nonetheless... very good indeed...