Wednesday, April 27, 2005

operation boardgame

here are some images from my visual studies project which is a group project involving making a board game... for this project i have to thank kevin for sticking with me throught the craziest parts of the game development... couldn't have done it without you kev... couldn't have done it without you... my gratitude is eternal...

my boardgame cover...
i know it looks lame but we set out to make it "look" lame since the whole concept given to us is lame from the beginning... but the game itself is anything but lame... wanna try playing it? it is such a bitch of a game... we tried it... and it was way cool...

group logo...
how? can? can? get it? can? can? cheh...

got a bunch of other pictures hanging around the computers in my house somewhere... will upload them in due time...

and it is done... it is over... till next semester...

yes my dear, dear, dear people... school is finally over... save for one "powerpoint presentation in a cd" of which i will do later after i am done downloading pictures from KKL, i am through with foundation year... finally... now i can get on to doing what i truly like... hopefully lah... considering that i came to this school wanting to do communication design but i ended up going for product design for artistic evolutionary purposes... i wonder if i had ever explained it here... hmmm... right...
that aside... one would think i would settle in easily into a "nothingness" state... well... quite the opposite actually... one day into doing "nothing" with no date(dead)lines bearing down my neck and i got very uncomfortable to say the least... i'd hate to think that i am a workaholic but i guess i am becoming one... ah shucks... what is wrong with me... i mean... i just HAD to get out and do something... even if it means that i go to bedok just to get butter prawns... amidst other things... heh heh heh... yah yah... i know what some might be thinking... there he goes with his obsession with food... but really... the main reason why i went out was just so that i had something to do... which was buying food! i mean... i got tired of sleeping! what the hell! damn!
oh well... but if all turns well... i should be quite occupied during these holidays... i don't think i should mention them in explicit details here but it would involve some project-based work which will bring in the dough, some travel to somewhere hopefully far away and a little "project" with the guys from school which would be mainly for fun and to spend the holidays constructively... hopefully it will grow into something more substantial... the other thing with this "project" is also because i don't think i would ever want to lose touch with the guys... i have this tendency of forgetting people once i leave the place/situation/environment... but this time round... i don't think i would want such a thing to happen... not after all that we have been through and how we came about to associate with each other... really a tale for the ages i tell you...
anyways... enough with words for now... as a picture says a thousands words, so it happens that i got a whole load of pictures to upload with regards as to what i was doing during the time i went into "hibernation"... or so as it seems... i will try my best to put it chronological order but then again... such details aren't really too big a concern for me... all right... here i go...